Regent Requirements

Total Number of Units of Credit:  22

English Language Arts – 4 units

Social Studies – 4 units – (including 1 unit of American history, ½ unit of Participation In Government, and ½ unit of Economics)

Mathematics -3 units (may include or Integrated Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2/Trigonometry or Mathematics A* and Mathematics B*)

Science – 3 units – (including at least one course in life science, one in physical science, and third in either life sciences or physical science)

Health – ½ unit

The Arts – 1 unit – (including dance, music, theater, and/or visual arts)

Languages Other Than English** – 1 unit 

Physical Education – 2 units

Sequence Courses or Electives – 3½ units

Mathematics, Science, and Technology (MST): A commencement-level course in technology education may be used as the third unit of credit in science or mathematics, but not both. Also, students may meet the learning standards in technology either in a technology education course or through an integrated course combining technology with mathematics and/or science.

Examinations:  5